الأحد، 28 يونيو 2020

The Rainbow

The word  Rainbow is called Badji
It shows all these mutations combined in it:
Yellow face, opaline, and clear wing.
It can be yellow face of two types
The first or second but yellow face from
The second type is preferred.
For this, the production of Rainbow must be confirmed
These mutations are present with one or more
Both parents are in the following way:
First: yellow face:
Since the yellow adjective is recessive
For green, and for blue
It is preferred to be either a couple
Yellow face, or is one of them yellow
The other side is blue
Second: the opaline:
I will not go into the details of the associated attributes
By sex but to get the opaline
In chicken, one of these can be resorted to
The father is pregnant with the characteristics of two urinals with a female
Other than opaline: some females produce opaline
Father Opaline with a normal female: produces all
Female opaline
Father carrying opaline with
Female opaline: some chicks opaline from
Opaline Father and Female Opaline: each
Opaline Chicks
According to the couple we choose, we increase
Or we decrease the possibility of an opaline chicken
Third: net wing
For this characteristic to appear, it must be
Parents who are net-wing or carrying
The recess is recessive and this is a result of mating
Wing net:
Father carrying the form and the mother carrying the capacity:
Almost a quarter of chicks are clear-wing
AP net wing and mother with the capacity:
Half of the chicks are clear wing
Ab pregnant with a pure mother wing:
Half of the chicks are clear wing
AB Safi Wing and Um Safi Wing:
All chicks are clear wing
Here, too, the choice of the family is what will be decided
Ratio of net wing in chicks
Repo production requires us to select parents
Who may produce the largest number of chicks
It is opaline, clear wing, and yellow
the face. And all the less the percentage of a meeting
The three traits in chicks have a lower ratio
Rainbow production.
August: Blue opaline, net wing
Mother of yellow opaline, carrying an adjective
Net wing
All chicks will be opaline, but half of them
The net will be wing at the same time
And also half of those, too, will be yellow
the face . That is, this pair will produce negligence
25% of the Rainbow Chicken is a good forgotten.
Second example:
August: yellow face, pure recipe
Wing and opaline recipe
Mother: clear blue-opaline wing
Only half of the chicks will be opaline ie
50% and half of it will be net wing
Half of the 50% is 25%, but here too
Half of the chicks will be yellow-faced and split
The 25% is 2 and we get the ratio
12.5% ​​of the rainbow of this pair.
Please be aware that I intentionally intentionally
No double factor at
Yellow face and no Dilute Cardiff
For the net wing, so as not to further complicate the Rainbow
Notes :
سب According to the opinion of European educators, there can be very slight dark marks and a small number on the wings of the bird, and this is the opposite of gray wing where its wing is with dark gray or gray marks close to black and widely spread, and this difference that distinguishes gray wing from rainbow.
Wing net: recessive trait
 We get the rainbow after mating
I will accompany you with comments, photos of Net Wing
And pictures of wing gray - near the rainbow - which many classify as rainbow, so focus well

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