الأربعاء، 1 يوليو 2020

Australian Badge Diseases and the best treatment for him, Part 1

The diseases that afflict the Australian budgie are many, but they can be overcome, God willing and treated, but first we must learn about the symptoms of diseases so that we can properly diagnose them and give the appropriate treatment and therefore we will talk throughout the topic about all diseases that affect the Australian budgies and diseases that affect most ornamental birds and we will speak For each disease on three axes

First: Definition of the disease
Second: the symptoms associated with diseases
Thalia: treatment of diseases

1) Green diarrhea:
It is an infectious disease that the bird suffers from and if it heals it remains a carrier of the disease microbe and transmits it to the rest of the birds and the ability of this disease to affect the bird does not exceed one week after which it dies if it is not treated early - and the cause of this primary disease is the green matter formed in the water courses as a result of not changing Water, and its symptoms are loss of appetite for food - drinking too much - meaning when defecating - the presence of a sticky green liquid at the anus.
Clean the place where the birds are located, wash the contents of the cages - warm the bird - give him doses of sulfa (Salva Guandin - Salva Dimadine - Salva Knoxen) with the addition of vitamins A. Dr. E to drinking water ... with giving him Tiramisin 1/2 g per liter of water and treatment for 10 days

2) White diarrhea:

One of the most common diseases is the large number of infections, and the death rate is great if not treated early. The source of infection is wild birds
Loss of appetite - wilting of the eye - the face appears to be sleepy - drooping wings - contraction of the sparrow - white fluid secretions sticking around the anus or during defecation
Isolation of the infected sparrow - antibiotic that tramycin, neomycin, chlortetracycline or neutramycin 1/2 g per liter of water and treatment for a period of not less than a week with some vitamins.

3) Tuberculosis
This disease is caused by bacteria that infects most ornamental birds, with the exception of the older ones, which they resist greatly, and increase the infection whenever flying cages are crowded with birds, the location is not clean, and the drinking water is not changed daily.
Gradual loss of appetite - general weakness - significant weight loss - chest bones appear prominent when caught and feel under your fingers as if they were a piece of bone without meat
Complete hygiene - feeding the bird with fruit - green food, hard-boiled egg yolk, indexes, and drinking water hygiene with the addition of vitamin A. Dr.. E in drinking water for a period of not less than three days, with an antibiotic (Pan tramicin) 1/2 g per liter of water and treatment for a period of not less than a week
For more information visit this topic
Salmonella disease and how to treat it
4) Respiratory disorders:
This disturbance is widespread in the Australian breeder and these disturbances come from weather factors, especially if the birds are raised in the open air and not in his room
Bird's weakness - loss of appetite for food - sometimes secretions from the nose but not necessary - shortness of breath (you find the bird looking out of the cage in search of air) - crackle sound during breathing - sinusitis around the eye - lethargy during the day - shaking the tail while breathing in a movement Provocative expresses shortness of breath
Preserving birds from the air currents, while treating all the birds as a group treatment by giving them the fillers and avoiding providing any vegetables or soft food, then put an antibiotic in the drinking water such as (Oxytetracycline - chloramphenicol) 1/2 g per liter of water and treatment for a period of not less than a week . With vitamins such as a. Dr . E or thayl product
For more information visit this topic
Sinusitis (sinusitis)
5) Cold and cold:
It always occurs in the winter season due to the severe air currents and the high degree of coldness with the lack of clean drinking water in front of the bird.
Loss of appetite - mucous secretion from the nose - severe inflammation of the nasal sinuses causing swelling of the face and eyes - respiratory rattle - obstruction of the nose, which bothers him and makes his breathing extremely difficult
Intense heating, which is one of the most important factors in treating these diseases, as the cage must be covered with a piece of cloth and the cage placed inside the room, then added to the drinking water antibiotic (Tetracycline - Oxytetracycline) with the addition of vitamins A. Dr . E and it is necessary for treatment

6) Parrot fever:
This disease affects every group of birds if it appears on one bird and all of them become carriers of the microbe causing it and it is called (Chlamydia). It is a medium between the virus and bacteria and it is infected by inhalation of soil with droppings of an infected bird. Among the most important reasons are lack of hygiene, poor nutrition and sudden change in temperature And non-renewable air and infection
The most important symptoms are congestion and pus in the eyes - stop eating food - severe diarrhea - inflammation of the vesicle - shortness of breath - mucus from the nose - and in severe cases contractions and paralysis occur, as it affects the little sparrow that does not exceed a few days old and is still inside the nest And you can recognize the disease from the color of the young when he died, you will find a marked yellow color.
The bird can be treated and cured if the disease is discovered from the beginning. The most important thing is to clean the place with disinfectants (formalin) and add (tetracycline) 1 g per liter of water with the addition of vitamins A. Dr . E. It is required for treatment for at least 6 weeks, taking care of nutrition and preventing raw green food and soft food
Australian baddie diseases and the best treatment for them

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